Your Undergraduate College Admissions Copilot.

Navigate your college journey with your Copilot.

Our Mission

Welcome to GoodGoblin, where we aim to level the playing field for college applicants everywhere. Every student, no matter their financial background, should have access to personalized support that helps them achieve their academic dreams. To achieve this goal, we leverage the power of AI and cutting-edge technology to create a platform that is tailored, affordable, and accessible for all. Our promise is simple: we prioritize your success over profit and will remain dedicated to democratizing access to college application support.

Join us in our mission to empower students everywhere and unlock a brighter future for all.



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GoodGoblin Story

Navigating the college application journey, a recurring challenge emerged among friends and family. High-quality essay and application guidance, pivotal in making a difference, often seemed out of reach for many. This sparked the inception of GoodGoblin. Our platform is a reliable ally to the do-it-yourselfers in navigating the intricacies of the admissions essay writing and application process, ensuring every student has an equal footing to excel, irrespective of their financial backdrop. With GoodGoblin by their side, countless students have unearthed their voices, showcasing their unique narratives. We recognize that each student's journey varies—some may seek aid in reviewing their essays, while others may require support in brainstorming ideas. GoodGoblin is adept at supporting both. We're here to empower and magnify every student's pathway to academic triumph, extending our narrative from essay assistance to a broader application support spectrum.

USVenture.news AwardMicrosoft for Startup Fund


Empowering over 12,000 students annually with a copiloted application journey - 10x faster and better.